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Welcome to the blog page of The Law Offices of Elliot Savitz & Scott Bradley. Here, you’ll find insightful articles, legal updates, and practical advice on various aspects of criminal defense and real estate law. Our blog is designed to help you navigate complex legal matters with confidence, offering guidance on everything from understanding your rights to preparing for court appearances. Whether you’re facing charges or looking to make informed decisions about real estate transactions, our expertise is here to support you. Explore our posts to stay informed and empowered.

  • Operating Under the Influence (OUI/DWI/DUI)

    In Massachusetts, you can be charged with Operating Under the Influence (OUI). In other states, the same crime is known as Driving While Intoxicated (DWI) or Driving Under the Influence (DUI). An OUI may be either an OUI Liquor or an OUI Drugs. In either case, you are charged with operating a vehicle on a public road or a road that the public has access to while your ability to drive is impaired by either liquor or drugs. However in order to be charged with an OUI, the intoxicated individual does not need to be driving the vehicle when he/she is caught. The driver may be sleeping at a traffic light, on the side of the road or even changing a flat tire.

  • Shoplifting Attorney

    Ask your experienced Shoplifting Attorney if he/she will review your case for free during an initial consultation. Most attorneys will be happy to give an initial free consultation. When you attend this meeting, you should bring all material that is important to your case, including the police report, complaint, your probation record, and any other documentation you have available. Ask your Shoplifting Attorney to give you a clear and honest opinion of what your legal options are, and how he/she can help you to build the best defense possible for your case. Tell your Shoplifting Attorney of your concerns because he/she understands only too well what a stressful and overwhelming situation facing a criminal charge can be. You need to feel confident that your Shoplifting Attorney will be able to navigate you through the legal process and get the best outcome possible.

  • History of Shoplifting

    Back in 1910, a man and his wife were both charged with shoplifting because they allegedly stole a pair of boots from a shop. The man took the boots from a shelf and passed them to his wife, who was subsequently caught as she attempted to leave the shop. Back then, it was presumed that a wife was under the control of her husband and therefore was not an independent agent. Accordingly, the judge directed the jury to find the woman not guilty. While this rule was applied to shoplifting and other minor offenses, it was not applied to more serious crimes like murder.

  • Indecent Assault and Battery

    Just because you are charged with an Indecent Assault and Battery does not mean you are guilty. Perhaps there was a misunderstanding or a witness was confused or maybe you just made a mistake. No matter what the reason, you need the services of a Massachusetts criminal defense attorney, who has the experience, know-how and track record to develop a winning strategy, file the necessary motions and represent you at trial if necessary. And, you need those services as soon as possible. You need a Boston criminal lawyer, who will accompany you to the police, keep you informed about the criminal justice system and stand by your side at arraignment and throughout the legal process.

  • Boston Law Firm

    Contesting a PPO in Massachusetts requires a strategic approach and skilled legal representation. The Law Offices of Elliot Savitz & Scott Bradley are here to provide the expertise and support you need. If you are facing a PPO and wish to contest it, contact us today.

  • Personal Injury Attorney

    Personal injury is the term most commonly used to refer to an injury sustained through another person’s negligence or intentional tort. An ‘injury’ can mean physical or emotional hurt. Personal injury claims are commonly brought because of traffic accidents, as well as accidents at home, at work or even on vacation. A personal injury lawsuit may arise from a myriad of events, such as tripping on an uneven sidewalk, slipping on the ice, or being hit by a fallen branch.

  • Assault & Battery

    A theft charge is certainly beatable, and there are many strategies available to do just that. At The Law Offices of Elliot Savitz & Scott Bradley our attorneys will file motions to guarantee that the evidence that is being used against you was legally obtained. We will make sure that your rights were not violated in any way. If you were entitled to a Clerk’s Hearing and never received one, we will work hard to get your case dismissed, as we have for many others.

  • Melanie's Law Drinking and Driving

    The driver who killed Melanie was a repeat OUI or DUI offender. Following Melanie’s tragic death, her grandfather, Ron Bersani, spearheaded a campaign to have Melanie’s law passed. Ten years after Melanie’s death, Ron Bersani is once again calling for tougher laws after the arrest of 62-year-old Guy Patierno from Billerica, who was arrested for his 12th OUI or DUI offense. Patierno’s license was revoked for life after his 10th OUI or DUI. However, he continued to drive.

  • Boston Law Firm

    There are probably not many of us who live in the Boston area that are not familiar with the Boston law firm of Crane, [...]

  • Boston, Massachusetts Attorney

    If you are wondering whether you need a Boston criminal defense lawyer, then you probably do. In fact, you not only need a Boston criminal defense lawyer, you need the best your money can buy. The lawyer must be experienced, caring and willing to guide you through what may be a long and tedious court battle. Your life is on the line. What’s worse, the district attorney has the police on his/her side. And, if being charged is causing you all sorts of pressure, anxiety and concern for your job and reputation, just imagine what it will be like if you are convicted.

  • Assault & Battery

    Assault and Battery, also known as an A&B, is a misdemeanor. That means you could potentially be sentenced to a county house of correction for no more than 2 ½ years. On the other hand, an Assault & Battery with a Dangerous Weapon means you could be sentenced to state prison for an even longer period of time. However, before you panic, if this is your first offense and there were no serious, the likelihood is that you are not going to prison. In fact, even if you plead out, there is a strong possibility that you will receive a Continuation Without a Finding

  • Robbery Defense Attorney

    An individual is charge with a criminal offense is prosecuted by the Office of the District Attorney for the County in which the crime occurred. There are two types of crimes.