Page: Property Damage

Property Damage

Charged with Malicious Destruction of Property in Massachusetts? Consult a Specialized Criminal Defense Attorney Immediately!

If you’re facing charges for Malicious Destruction of Property in Massachusetts, it’s crucial to consult with a criminal defense attorney who specializes in property damage as soon as possible. The consequences of a conviction can be severe, and having expert legal representation can make a significant difference in the outcome of your case.

Understanding the Charge

To secure a conviction for Malicious Destruction of Property, the prosecution must prove the following elements beyond a reasonable doubt:

  1. Destruction or Injury: The defendant must have destroyed or damaged another person’s property.
  2. Willful Action: The defendant acted intentionally, meaning the destruction or damage was deliberate.
  3. Malicious Intent: The defendant’s actions were driven by revenge, cruelty, or hostility, regardless of whether they knew the property owner.

Felony or Misdemeanor?

In Massachusetts, the classification of the crime impacts the severity of the penalties:

  • Felony: If the damage exceeds $250, the crime is classified as a felony. Consequences include:
    • Up to 10 years in state prison.
    • A fine up to $3,000 or three times the value of the damaged property, whichever is greater.
  • Misdemeanor: If the damage is $250 or less, the crime is classified as a misdemeanor. Penalties may include:
    • A fine up to three times the value of the damage.
    • Up to 2½ months imprisonment.

Why You Need Expert Legal Representation

Facing a charge of Malicious Destruction of Property can have serious consequences for your future, including substantial fines, imprisonment, and a lasting criminal record. It is essential to act quickly to prepare a robust defense and mitigate the impact of these charges on your life.

At The Law Offices of Elliot Savitz & Scott Bradley, we offer a free, no-obligation consultation to discuss your case. Our experienced attorneys will provide an honest assessment of your situation, explain your options, and develop a strategic defense plan tailored to your needs.

Contact Us Today

Don’t navigate this complex legal process alone. Call The Law Offices of Elliot Savitz & Scott Bradley at (781) 974-3429 to speak with a knowledgeable attorney who can guide you through every step of the criminal justice process. With our expert representation, you can face these charges with confidence, knowing that your rights and future are being vigorously defended.