Page: Larceny Charges

Larceny Charges

Facing Larceny Charges? Here’s What You Need to Know

Understanding Larceny Charges

Larceny involves the theft of personal property with the intent to permanently deprive the owner of it. Depending on the value of the stolen items, larceny charges can be classified into two categories:

  • Petit (Petty) Larceny: This refers to theft of items valued at less than $250. Although classified as a misdemeanor, a conviction can still lead to significant consequences, including fines and imprisonment for up to one year, depending on the specifics of your case and your criminal record.
  • Grand Larceny: This involves theft of items valued over $250 and is classified as a felony. A conviction for Grand Larceny can result in up to 5 years in state prison and/or substantial fines, potentially exceeding the value of the stolen goods.

How to Deal with a Larceny Charge

Facing charges for Petit or Grand Larceny can have far-reaching consequences beyond immediate legal penalties. These may include difficulties with employment, potential impact on immigration status for non-U.S. citizens, and long-term damage to your reputation. It is crucial to prepare a strong defense to protect your future and freedom.

Why You Need Expert Legal Representation

At The Law Offices of Elliot Savitz & Scott Bradley, our skilled criminal defense attorneys are dedicated to safeguarding your rights and achieving the best possible outcome for your case. With a proven track record of success, we offer compassionate, detail-oriented representation to mitigate the impact of criminal charges on your life.

Potential Defense Strategies

  • Weak Case: If the evidence against you is lacking, we may be able to challenge the charges or negotiate a reduction.
  • First Offense: For a first-time offense, the prosecution might agree to a plea bargain to reduce the charge from Grand Larceny to Petit Larceny.
  • Pre-Trial Options: We can advocate for Pre-Trial Probation or even seek a dismissal of charges before arraignment to prevent a conviction from appearing on your record.
  • Clerk’s Hearing: If you haven’t been arrested, a Clerk’s Hearing might prevent formal charges from being filed.
  • Motion to Dismiss or Suppress: Filing a timely motion could potentially lead to the termination of your case.

Contact Us Today

If you are facing larceny charges, immediate action is crucial. Reach out to The Law Offices of Elliot Savitz & Scott Bradley at (781) 974-3429. Our experienced attorneys will guide you through the legal process, ensuring that you receive the best possible defense. With our expertise, you can work towards the most favorable resolution and protect your future.