Page: Charged with Theft

Charged with Theft

Have You Been Charged With Theft?

Were you surprised to find yourself charged with theft when you thought you were just borrowing a computer from a friend? Or perhaps you took something that was rightfully yours but are now facing accusations of theft? Maybe you accidentally walked off with an item that wasn’t yours.

Regardless of the circumstances, you shouldn’t face severe consequences over what might be a simple misunderstanding.

Understanding the Consequences of Theft

Theft charges come with serious penalties. If the value of the stolen item is less than $250, you could be facing up to one year in jail. If the value is $250 or more, the potential sentence increases to up to five years in prison and a felony conviction on your record.

Even if the situation was a misunderstanding, you could still be subjected to fines, restitution, jail time, probation, and damage to your reputation and career. For non-U.S. citizens, there’s also the risk of deportation.

Effective Theft Defense Strategies

A theft charge can be contested successfully with the right legal approach. At The Law Offices of Elliot Savitz & Scott Bradley, we specialize in defending theft cases and will use various strategies to protect your rights:

  • Challenge Evidence: We will file motions to ensure that any evidence used against you was legally obtained and that your rights were not violated.
  • Address Procedural Issues: If you were entitled to a Clerk’s Hearing but did not receive one, we will fight to get your case dismissed.
  • Negotiate Settlements: In many cases, victims may agree to partial restitution, especially if they were reimbursed by insurance or prefer a quick resolution. Often, theft cases are resolved before reaching trial.

Get the Legal Help You Need

Don’t let a misunderstanding lead to lasting consequences. Contact The Law Offices of Elliot Savitz & Scott Bradley at (781) 974-3429 for a free initial consultation. We’re here to guide you through the legal process and work towards a resolution that protects your future.