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Welcome to the blog page of The Law Offices of Elliot Savitz & Scott Bradley. Here, you’ll find insightful articles, legal updates, and practical advice on various aspects of criminal defense and real estate law. Our blog is designed to help you navigate complex legal matters with confidence, offering guidance on everything from understanding your rights to preparing for court appearances. Whether you’re facing charges or looking to make informed decisions about real estate transactions, our expertise is here to support you. Explore our posts to stay informed and empowered.

  • Malicious Destruction

    When Facing Charges of Malicious Destruction, the Stakes are High. If you are found guilty of Malicious Destruction of Property there are two possible outcomes: if you’re accused of destroying something under $250, then you are facing a misdemeanor. But if the amount is higher, then a conviction could mean up to $3,000 in fines and up to 10 years in prison. You don’t deserve that! You deserve a second chance.

  • Understanding Personal Protection Orders in MI

    Once issued, PPOs impose several legal obligations and restrictions on the defendant, such as no contact, stay away, and surrender of firearms. Violating a PPO is a serious offense and can lead to criminal charges.

  • Definition of Assualt

    Previous blogs have explored the definition of Assault and Battery. However, just to remind you, “Assault” and “Battery” are two separate offenses but are [...]

  • Possession of a Controlled Substance

    According to Campaign for the Future, Massachusetts prisons have a lot to answer for, which is why you really need a Massachusetts criminal lawyer. If you are older, mentally ill or disabled, consider this: The elderly are among the fastest growing segment of the prison population… with nearly a quarter of all prisoners aged over 55. If you don’t think 55 sounds that old, then bear in mind those in prison have a physiological age some seven to ten years older than their chronological age, with the medical problems that accompany them. As the most vulnerable segment of society, their needs in prison go largely unmet.

  • Restraining Order

    Knowing the distinctions between various legal orders is crucial, especially if you are involved in a situation where one is issued against you. Though these orders are sometimes used interchangeably, they serve different purposes and are governed by distinct laws.

  • Shoplifting Attorney

    Ask your experienced Shoplifting Attorney if he/she will review your case for free during an initial consultation. Most attorneys will be happy to give an initial free consultation. When you attend this meeting, you should bring all material that is important to your case, including the police report, complaint, your probation record, and any other documentation you have available. Ask your Shoplifting Attorney to give you a clear and honest opinion of what your legal options are, and how he/she can help you to build the best defense possible for your case. Tell your Shoplifting Attorney of your concerns because he/she understands only too well what a stressful and overwhelming situation facing a criminal charge can be. You need to feel confident that your Shoplifting Attorney will be able to navigate you through the legal process and get the best outcome possible.

  • Assault & Battery

    Assault and Battery, also known as an A&B, is a misdemeanor. That means you could potentially be sentenced to a county house of correction for no more than 2 ½ years. On the other hand, an Assault & Battery with a Dangerous Weapon means you could be sentenced to state prison for an even longer period of time. However, before you panic, if this is your first offense and there were no serious, the likelihood is that you are not going to prison. In fact, even if you plead out, there is a strong possibility that you will receive a Continuation Without a Finding

  • Possesion

    There are many strategies for defending a charge of Possession with Intent to Distribute Drugs or Distribution of Drugs. Although each case is unique, The Law Offices of Elliot Savitz & Scott Bradley have years of experience and no matter the circumstances, we are prepared to protect your rights. Once we have an opportunity to read your police report and talk to you, we will begin to develop a winning game plan to give you the best defense possible. We will provide an honest and straightforward opinion of your case and explain what we can do to help you.

  • If you have recently been charged with Failure to Register as a Sex Offender, then you need someone on your side who has the experience and know-how to handle your case professionally; someone who will win the best possible outcome for you. A lot of people do not fully understand what they have done wrong if they fail to Register as a Sex Offender, and facing the charge can be a daunting experience. You could lose your job, go to jail, and face a permanent scar on your criminal record. Contact the attorneys at The Law Offices of Elliot Savitz & Scott Bradley. We will work diligently to make the judge fully understand your circumstances and ensure you achieve the best outcome possible.

  • History of Shoplifting

    Back in 1910, a man and his wife were both charged with shoplifting because they allegedly stole a pair of boots from a shop. The man took the boots from a shelf and passed them to his wife, who was subsequently caught as she attempted to leave the shop. Back then, it was presumed that a wife was under the control of her husband and therefore was not an independent agent. Accordingly, the judge directed the jury to find the woman not guilty. While this rule was applied to shoplifting and other minor offenses, it was not applied to more serious crimes like murder.

  • Charged with Shoplifting

    According to Massachusetts law, shoplifting charges can be brought against any individual for stealing goods from a retail store. However, shoplifting charges can also be brought for hiding goods on your body or elsewhere or changing a price tag or changing the package. if you find yourself in that embarrassing predicament, you should immediately call a Massachusetts criminal lawyer to protect your job, student loans, immigration status and reputation in the community.

  • Facing Robbery Charges - Criminal Attorney

    If you are charged with Robbery in Massachusetts, you need to consult with a criminal defense attorney immediately! A criminal charge for a felony, such as robbery, will be prosecuted in the Superior Court, and the defendant can be incarcerated in state prison for a period of years, up to life. Exact sentencing depends on guidelines set by the Massachusetts courts, as well as the judge’s discretion. Cases like these often continue in court for a considerable amount of time. At The Law Offices of Elliot Savitz & Scott Bradley, our lawyers are willing to make as many appearances as necessary to handle your case.