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Welcome to the blog page of The Law Offices of Elliot Savitz & Scott Bradley. Here, you’ll find insightful articles, legal updates, and practical advice on various aspects of criminal defense and real estate law. Our blog is designed to help you navigate complex legal matters with confidence, offering guidance on everything from understanding your rights to preparing for court appearances. Whether you’re facing charges or looking to make informed decisions about real estate transactions, our expertise is here to support you. Explore our posts to stay informed and empowered.

  • Indecent Assault and Battery

    Just because you are charged with an Indecent Assault and Battery does not mean you are guilty. Perhaps there was a misunderstanding or a witness was confused or maybe you just made a mistake. No matter what the reason, you need the services of a Massachusetts criminal defense attorney, who has the experience, know-how and track record to develop a winning strategy, file the necessary motions and represent you at trial if necessary. And, you need those services as soon as possible. You need a Boston criminal lawyer, who will accompany you to the police, keep you informed about the criminal justice system and stand by your side at arraignment and throughout the legal process.

  • If you are facing a criminal charge in Massachusetts, you need an experienced Massachusetts criminal lawyer, like Elliot Savitz, with a proven track record by your side. You have much too much at stake not to give him a call. Inadequate or inexperienced representation may result in jail, fines, loss of employment, driver’s license, welfare benefits, or even deportation, if you are not a U.S. citizen. Elliot Savitz is a well-respected Massachusetts criminal lawyer, who understands your rights, knows his way around the courts.

  • OUI / DWI / DUI

    In Massachusetts, there are different punishments for OUI / DWI / DUI, depending on the number of prior convictions. For a first-time OUI/DWI/DUI Massachusetts, the driver can be sentenced up to 2 ½ years in jail and a loss of license for up to one year. For a 2nd offense, the driver can be sentenced up to 2 ½ years and a loss of license up to 2 years. However, there is a minimum mandatory sentence of 60 days in jail. For a 3rd offense, the driver must serve a minimum of 5 months in jail, up to 5 years, and a loss of license up to 8 years.

  • Boston, Massachusetts Attorney

    If you are wondering whether you need a Boston criminal defense lawyer, then you probably do. In fact, you not only need a Boston criminal defense lawyer, you need the best your money can buy. The lawyer must be experienced, caring and willing to guide you through what may be a long and tedious court battle. Your life is on the line. What’s worse, the district attorney has the police on his/her side. And, if being charged is causing you all sorts of pressure, anxiety and concern for your job and reputation, just imagine what it will be like if you are convicted.

  • Possession of marijuana

    Even though possession of less than 1 ounce of marijuana in Massachusetts is now a civil, non-criminal charge, you can still be charged with possession with intent to distribute and manufacturing, as well as a school zone offense. That means for under 1 ounce of marijuana, you could be facing up to a mandatory 2 years in jail, or considerably more if you are sentenced consecutively to more than one charge. Of course, for quantities greater than 1 ounce, you can be charged with possession, as well.

  • School Suspension, Expulsion and Academic Probation

    Is your son, daughter or another loved one facing a school hearing for suspension, expulsion, academic probation? Or it maybe they are facing another type of disciplinary action. Regardless the cause, you are well-advised to hire a criminal defense attorney with the experience and expertise to fight your case and achieve a favorable outcome. We will review your school’s guidelines for defending against the initial charges and filing appeals from the first instance. So instead of going into your hearings alone and unprepared, you will have a trained, sympathetic lawyer by your side to protect your rights and vehemently and articulately argue your case.

  • Burden of Proof

    What is the Burden of Proof in a Restraining Order Hearing? A restraining order, also known as a Personal Protection Order (PPO), is a [...]

  • Assault and Battery Charges

    Aggravated Assault & Battery by definition occurs when one person causes or tries to cause a severe injury to another person, with the use of a deadly weapon.In Massachusetts, a person can be charged with an Assault, a Battery, or an Assault And Battery (A&B). The Assault is the crime of threatening a person with physical force, while the Battery is the act of making physical contact with the victim. The definition of an Assault & Battery (A&B), on the other hand, involves a single crime that includes the crime of threatening a person (Assault) together with the act of making physical contact with him/her (Battery).

  • Facing Robbery Charges - Criminal Attorney

    If you are charged with Robbery in Massachusetts, you need to consult with a criminal defense attorney immediately! A criminal charge for a felony, such as robbery, will be prosecuted in the Superior Court, and the defendant can be incarcerated in state prison for a period of years, up to life. Exact sentencing depends on guidelines set by the Massachusetts courts, as well as the judge’s discretion. Cases like these often continue in court for a considerable amount of time. At The Law Offices of Elliot Savitz & Scott Bradley, our lawyers are willing to make as many appearances as necessary to handle your case. 

  • Assault and Battery Charges Quincy, MA

    If you are involved in an Assault and Battery case, you should not hesitate in contacting me, particularly if the incident arose from a domestic misunderstanding . In Domestic Assault & Batteries, the prosecutor will be much less inclined to dispose of the case, and therefore, it must be defended in a different manner than a normal Assault and Battery. Whether the charges against you are unsupported by the evidence, were actually the result of an accident, or were a matter of self-defense, you should contact me as soon as possible.

  • Possession of marijuana

    Obviously, penalties like possession of marijuana are very severe. Not only might you end up in jail, but you may also be deported if you are not a citizen of the United States. Also, besides your reputation in the community, your job may be in jeopardy or you won’t be able to take your kids to school if you cannot drive. So the first thing you need to do is hire a Boston criminal lawyer. He/she will have the experience to guide you through the court system, to file the appropriate motions to suppress and/or dismiss and prepare for trial, if necessary.

  • Boston Law Firm

    Contesting a PPO in Massachusetts requires a strategic approach and skilled legal representation. The Law Offices of Elliot Savitz & Scott Bradley are here to provide the expertise and support you need. If you are facing a PPO and wish to contest it, contact us today.