Post: Good Boston Law Firms

Good Boston Law Firms

There are probably not many of us who live in the Boston area that are not familiar with the Boston law firm of Crane, Poole & Schmidt.

This fictitious Boston law firm from the television series Boston Legal was supposedly located on Fleet Street, although the show was actually filmed at 500 Boylston Street. Sir John Mortimer, a famous British Queen’s Council (senior litigation attorney) was hired as an advisor. Mortimer was the author of Rumpole of the Bailey, a story about a somewhat downtrodden, self-effacing and put-upon defense barrister, who decided against career advancements so that he could stay a defense ‘hack’ as he described himself.

William Shatner (aka Captain Kirk of the Starship Enterprise), played Denny Crane and was one of the stars of Boston Legal. Unlike Rumpole of the Bailey, Denny Crane was only too happy to tell everyone they were in the presence of a legend. Rumpole and Crane appeared, in most things, polar opposites, although both liked cigars and a drink, although Rumpole had a preference for cheap cigars and questionable wines, whereas Denny preferred the best cigars and good whiskey. However, underneath the bluff and banter of each character was a desire to do the right thing and to defend what in some cases seemed indefensible. Both lawyers had a reputation amongst their peers as fighting to the bitter end to defend their clients.

How to Hire a Boston Law Firm

When choosing one of the Boston Law Firms, there are certain things you need to consider, not least of which is whether they will take whatever steps are necessary to ensure you the best disposition.

Ask your attorney if he/she:

  • Has a proven track record of success representing clients like yourself.
  • Will be available to answer questions, guide you through the legal process with the best legal advices and work with you to implement a winning strategy.
  • Will attempt to get the charges dropped at a Clerk’s Hearing, particularly if you are a first-time offender, so that it doesn’t appear on your record.
  • Will file whatever motions are necessary to get your case dismissed or the evidence suppressed.
  • Is willing to fight as long as it takes to win.

You can’t hire Denny Crane or Rumpole, but then again, given their quirks you might not want to, but you can ensure that like these lawyers, the Boston law firm you choose to defend you will be on your side all the way through.

The producers of Boston Legal obviously trusted Attorney Elliot Savitz as he was used as an advisor to Boston Legal for the Breast is Best episode.

Regardless of which Boston Law Firm you hire to represent you, make sure that they are zealous, hard-working attorneys, who will fight to protect your rights and are prepared to defend you as long as it takes to get the best disposition possible. Also, make sure the firm has the expertise and experience to win.