Liability & Damages in Personal Injury Lawsuits
Every personal injury claim has two basic issues: liability and damages. The first issue is who is liable for the damages you sustained and secondly, what type of damages have you sustained and to what extent have they affected you, physically, emotionally and monetarily? The likelihood is that you will need to retain the services of a Boston personal injury lawyer to prove both liability and damages in order to receive compensation.
School Suspension, Expulsion & Academic Probation
Is your son, daughter or another loved one facing a school hearing for suspension, expulsion, academic probation? Or it maybe they are facing another type of disciplinary action. Regardless the cause, you are well-advised to hire a criminal defense attorney with the experience and expertise to fight your case and achieve a favorable outcome. We will review your school’s guidelines for defending against the initial charges and filing appeals from the first instance. So instead of going into your hearings alone and unprepared, you will have a trained, sympathetic lawyer by your side to protect your rights and vehemently and articulately argue your case.