Post: Possession


Possession of a Controlled Substance is the crime of unlawfully possessing a controlled substance, knowingly or intentionally.

If you are caught in possession of illegal substances, you could find yourself facing one of three charges;

While these charges are distinguished by quantity and type of substance carried, as well as what you intended to do with them, each can have serious effects on your quality of life. Whether landing you in jail, forcing you to pay a large fine or leaving you with a criminal record, if not approached right, these charges could strip you of your liberty and cause you a lot of distress.

Whichever possession offense you are being accused of, you will need an experienced attorney to talk you through your options and fight for your best interests in court. The attorneys at The The Law Offices of Elliot Savitz & Scott Bradley are experts in criminal law. They will ensure that your case is heard, while using their wealth of experience in Massachusetts law to minimize the impact these charges have on your life.

Contact The Law Offices of Elliot Savitz & Scott Bradley at (781) 974-3429 to minimize the impact these charges have on your life.