If you are charged with Violation of Probation, you need to consult with an attorney immediately.

You are in jeopardy of going to jail on the probation violation, regardless of the severity of the charges.

It is very important that you are represented by an experienced criminal defense attorney at your Probation Surrender.

A Probation Surrender Hearing is a court hearing in front of a judge, when your probation officer finds you in violation of your probation. As your attorney, we may argue that justice is not served by further punishing you while you are trying to turn your life around, and may have inadvertently made a mistake during your probation.

This violation could be for any number of reasons, including:

  • Failure to notify a change of address.
  • Failing a drug test.
  • Arrested in another jurisdiction.
  • Staying out beyond a curfew.
  • Being charged with any other crime.
  • Failing any other condition of your probation.

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The attorneys at The Law Offices of Elliot Savitz & Scott Bradley have handled hundreds of these cases successfully and there is a good chance we can help you too. Contact us at (781) 619-3147 and let us help you get you life back on track.

Praise From Past Clients

“We were absolutely astonished and very grateful for how Elliot handled our son’s case and would highly recommend him to anyone who is in need of legal council!”

“I’m sitting here thinking about what a remarkable victory you pulled off. I just had to let you know that it was an outstanding victory. Well done.”

“I really wanted to thank you so much. I cannot thank you enough. You were always there to fulfill whatever was required by the court.”