Representing Buyers & Sellers in Commercial an Personal Properties.

If you are buying or selling a business that comes with the commercial property, then we will draft and/or review the business purchase agreement. We will also work with the lender’s attorney to ensure a smooth closing.

Commercial Properties

We will handle your transaction from the offer to the purchase & sale agreement through the closing. At the same time, we always allot sufficient time for you and the lender to conduct your due diligence at all levels. One of the most important due diligence areas is environmental. Other due diligence includes making sure your type of business can operate on the premises, as well as the title search.

If you are buying or selling a business that comes with the commercial property, then we will draft and/or review the business purchase agreement. We will also work with the lender’s attorney to ensure a smooth closing.


We are experienced in double or back-to-back closings where you are selling and buying a home on the same day. We will work out the logistics to ensure a smooth closing on both parcels.


We are very experienced in primary residence and investment properties and can handle the purchase of your home from the offer to the purchase & sale agreement through the closing. We will work with your broker or can recommend top-level brokers in the area where you want to buy your home.

Receive a FREE Consultation

You need a knowledgeable, committed attorney, like us, to protect your interest and assure  the process goes as smoothly as possible. Call The Law Offices of Elliot Savitz & Scott Bradley at, (781) 974-3429 and let us help you by bringing our professional knowledge of the law to assist you.