Post: School Zone Drug Violation

School Zone Drug Violation

Let us help you get your serious school zone, drug violation charge reduced or dismissed!

There’s a very good chance you didn’t know you were within 1,000 feet of a school zone. Or, perhaps it was all a misunderstanding. Whatever the circumstances, you now face a very serious charge, with mandatory jail time, and you are no doubt very worried about your future.

Possession of a controlled substance with intent to distribute within 1,000 feet of a school zone is a charge the state of Massachusetts takes very seriously. You need the help of an experienced, aggressive defense attorney, and you need that attorney NOW!

How Can I Help You with a School Zone Drug Violation

The Law Offices of Elliot Savitz & Scott Bradley have successfully defended thousands of people charged with crimes in Massachusetts, including dozens of people charged with School Zone Violations. Nonetheless, each case is unique and will require a unique defense. Fortunately, there are many legal options that we can employ to give you the best possible representation.

For example, for a School Zone Drug Violation to stick, you must be charged and convicted of possession of a controlled substance with intent to distribute. We may be able to get the charge of possession with intent to distribute dismissed with a suppression hearing for illegal search & seizure. Or, we may be able to reduce the charge to simple possession. There are also many more options depending on the nature of your case.

Details of School Zone Drug Violations in Massachusetts

School zone drug violations come with a mandatory two-year jail sentence PLUS:

  • Loss of drivers license.
  • Fines, fees and probation.
  • A serious offense on your permanent criminal record.

A mandatory minimum of two years in jail is a particularly scary prospect for anyone. Take comfort in knowing there are things we can do to reduce or even eliminate that possibility, and get you and your life back on track. Contact The Law Offices of Elliot Savitz & Scott Bradley today at, (781) 974-3429 for a FREE, NO OBLIGATION, CONSULTATION.