Post: Have You Been Charged With Theft?

Have You Been Charged With Theft?

Wait a second it wasn’t theft, you thought you were just borrowing that computer from your close friend.

And, all of a sudden, you are being charged with theft?

Maybe you took that computer for longer than you intended, or maybe you are being accused of reclaiming a lawnmower that actually belonged to you in the first place.

Or, maybe you accidentally walked off with something that wasn’t really yours.

No matter what happened, you shouldn’t have to live with lifelong consequences over a simple misunderstanding.

The Penalties Are Serious for Theft

In fact, if you are accused of theft of an item worth under $250, you are looking at up to a year in jail. What’s worse, if the value was $250 or higher, you could be staring at five years in prison and a felony on your criminal record.

Even though you may have made an innocent mistake, you are still facing fines, restitution, jail time, probation and loss of job and reputation that could have devastating effects on the rest of your life. And, if you are not a citizen of the United States, you could even be deported.

Theft Defense Strategies

A theft charge is certainly beatable, and there are many strategies available to do just that. At The Law Offices of Elliot Savitz & Scott Bradley our attorneys will file motions to guarantee that the evidence that is being used against you was legally obtained. We will make sure that your rights were not violated in any way. If you were entitled to a Clerk’s Hearing and never received one, we will work hard to get your case dismissed, as we have for many others.

For cases of larger amounts of money, victims will often settle for partial restitution because they were reimbursed by insurance or just want to get their money back quickly. In fact, many theft trials don’t even make it to trial for this reason. Settling a case in a manner that works for both parties is certainly something worthwhile.

It all starts with you making a call. Don’t delay, contact The Law Offices of Elliot Savitz & Scott Bradley at (781) 974-3429 and your INITIAL CONSULTATION IS FREE OF CHARGE.